Shared Decision Making text

Who to contact on committees and councils if you have questions and want them to advocate for you:



Victor Central Schools is looking for parental input through the Shared Decision-Making Councils. Your involvement makes a difference because the district benefits from your feedback to address issues in the schools. There are regular building level councils, in addition to special area ones such as health, science, and home and careers.


More information and the application can be found in the links below. This is an important way for you to make a difference in Victor Central Schools. Thank you for your consideration!



Upcoming Events

23/24 Meetings- Meetings held in VECS Boardroom at 7pm unless otherwise noted.  *Meetings are subject to change based on room availability and the weather. 
No December Meeting due to Book Fair in the VPS Aud.
Wed. Jan. 10 at 10 am
Wed. Feb. 7 at 7pm
Thurs. March 21 at 7pm
Thurs. April 18 at 7pm
Mon. May 13 at 7pm
Thurs. June 13 at 7pm **NOTE: changed from June 12 to June 13